a few snapshots of Paris and a very, very restrained selection of objects seen
Allée Arthur Rimbaud (13e), near the BnF François Mitterandgarden beside the Bibliothèque de l’Arsenal (4e)in the Salle Clemenceau, where the Treaty of Versailles was signed (1919)self-portrait of Baudelaire, in Poulet-Malassis’ extra-illustrated copy of Souvenirs (1872), Bibl. de l’Institut, ms. Lov. D 655 bisPadeloup binding (before 1727), Petit Palais, coll. Dutuit, LDUT 544château de Chantillyhounds at the château de Chantillystag at the château de Chantillybinding by Capé for the duc d’Aumalebinding by Duru for the duc d’Aumalebindery stamp, arms of the duc d’Aumalereader’s chair, in the library of the duc d’Aumale at Chantillychâteau de Chantilly