The Endless Bookshelf : simply messing about in books






Guide to the Archives

Buchnarr, 1494. Ware! Ware! Ware the Book-Fool!

Links to Archives by Date or Word * :



Oct.-Dec. 2024 Best Book : Cahokia Jazz 2024 round-up Self-Reflexive Page

Aug.-Sept. 2024 Amsterdam Tony Saunders Onion Creek Chris Brown Elfland

May-July 2024 Eleusinia 1881 Moby Dick & Lovecraft Billy Budd

Jan.-March 2024 Proust Book Blinders Seventeen Years


Nov.-Dec. 2023 Best Book: Wrong Way Brooklyn Little, Bigs recent reading commonplace book

September 2023 Dream Fox Darkening Garden Deaths of the Poets Pamphlets Paris Paris II Portable Childhoods Utopia & Uchronia

June 2023 Brief Essays on Genre recent  reading

Mar.-Apr. 2023 van de Wetering Coffee Avram Davidson Centenary Borges

January 2023 Amnesia Peak Machen


December 2022 Best Book : The Silverberg Business recent reading commonplace book Peter Straub
singular interviews : John Crowley Henry Wessells

Sept.-Oct. 2022 Recondite Oblivion Fifty Books Undergrowth Napoli I Napoli II Naples recent reading travels Flint & Mirror

Mar.-May 2022 Brontë Wunderkammer Heide Hatry Hannah Green

January 2022 Witcover / Lincolnstein Fifteen Years


December 2021 Best Book Godine at Fifty Nevil Shute Beer

Sept.-Oct. 2021 Sheffield Desert Otranto Rountree Valentine
re-reading 1 : Crowley 2 : McIlvanney 3 : Jackson 4 : van Gulik

Jan.-June 2021 Swanwick news & notes Piranesi


December 2020 Book of Lamp and Banners Tom La Farge Russ

September 2020 Great Eastern Weather Lawyers

May 2020 C. C. Abbott Lurking Pandemic Reading


December 2019 Best Book : Infinite Detail Binding Rail Road Nansen

October 2019 Chaos Dragons Resident Andersen

Apr.-June 2019 Intellect Le Guin New Jersey Peacock Spring Stars

Jan.-Feb. 2019 Optimism


Nov.-Dec. 2018 Best Book : Lion City Nightmare Unholy Land Dozois

Jul.-Oct. 2018 Shelley Edgewood Bill Reese Futures

Jan.-Mar. 2018 Tension Exhibition recent reading


Nov.-Dec. 2017  : Best Book The Camperdown Elm Conversation Objects

July-Sep. 2017  : recent reading

January 2017  : Bestiary recent reading


December 2016  : Best Book : Networks of New York Giono/Melville Marshmallow More Disch

July 2016  : Paris Apollinaire Lafferty

March 2016  : Swastika Night Lovecraft Country Bill Wilson

January 2016  : Hartwell Melville Cleaning Up New York


July-Dec. 2015  : Best Book Extended Range Aelfdene The Reader Is the Artist Le dieu de la forêt

Jan.-May 15  : Pardon This Intrusion Nothing Wisteria Brown Jenkin


December 2014  : Best Book : Shakespeare’s Beehive Wolves Sleepwalker EFG Book New Jersey

Sep.-Nov. 2014  : Death of the Book Brighton Willow Plomer Mailbag Roulette Private Life Peripheral

August 2014  : Arabic SF Great Slow Oxen Stay

Apr.-July 2014  : Best Book Beehive Unamerica Rome Heron

Jan.-Mar. 14  : Strange Bodies C.M. Doughty Davidson’s Phoenix Flying Inn Commonplace


December 13  : Best Book : Cry Murder ! 17 Stories Streets Yiddish Words

Sep.-Nov. 13  : Quixote 1857 Cook on H.P.L. Map in Fantasy Cordelia Library in Gitmo

July-Aug. 13  : Flann O’Brien New Way of Looking Visit Wars end Reviewer’s Cave Cow Murder !

May-June 13  : Gaulish Herbert Rain Centaur Now

Mar.-Apr. 13  : Butterfly Twenty Years House Williams Bequest Wild Irish Fountain Libri

Jan.-Feb. 13  : Against Six Years Leaves Wind Up Manguel Cline Swelchie


Oct.-Dec. 12  : Beech Bookshelf Game Henry Adams Hunted Mammoths Best Book : Dunsany, Lost Tales, Vol. I

Aug.-Sep. 12  : Penumbra Self-Reflexive Lost Tales Green Gene Mint Julep

Apr.-July 12  : Silky-Tree Prejudices A Great Reader Sunwise Turn Citation Shelley

Jan.-Mar. 12  : Ripples Eugène Marais John McWhinnie


Nov.-Dec. 11  : Babadag Peacock Bartram Miéville Galicia Reade Uncertain Best Book : Mrs Midnight

Sept.-Oct. 11  : Mrs. Midnight London Rivers Bakery Cackle Hiding in Plain Sight

June-July 11  : Zoo City Bake Pan Hartwell Tulip Tree Dreamweapon Alembic Tremé Leaf 

Apr.-May 11  : Old Books Critical Fiction Edgelands  

Jan.-Mar. 11  : Texas Minnesota Meaulnes Postal Touch Serendipity My Man Al-Ghitani


December 10  : Best Book : Microscripts Lead Sand Pennbrook Very Few Letters

November 10  : Hazards Kentauros Bugland Last Man Princetonians

October 10  : Critical Fiction Rushkoff Pardon This Intrusion Walser

September 10  : Lolly Willowes Godwin Mascarons Gibson Birchbark

July-Aug. 10  : Benson Bullett Readercon Stories Summer House

May-June 10  : Scribbling Scottish Stories Pearse (again) Kushner

April 10  : Silver Giant Raptor Recurrent Purple Land Phillipps Illustrated Slow
             Strange Last Three 1 2 3 4

March 10  :  Rhinestone Moonstone Minds Meet Blue Star Counting Hard Times Dice

February 10  :  Cleaning Up N.Y. not . .  .of things, but of time Imaginary Books Kushner

January 10  :  Pearse The Real Reason Garden Party Sanders


Nov.-Dec. 09  :  Bookplate Teapot Serendipity Fass Impermanence Thinking Monte Cristo

Sep.-Oct. 09  :  Mosaic Malet Jokes Benkert Taxonomy Toad Dannatt Poe Data Sime
             Scotlands Cover Titles

July-Aug. 09  :  Significance Artefacts Nightfarers Heron Micropublishing Hope Fustian AB

Apr.-June 09  : Mandrakes 2 Sterne Hope-in-the-Mist Autodidacts Rackrent Secret Library

Jan.-Mar. 09  :  Weedwalk 2 Wolfspfotenphoto Whalen Rhododendrons Womack Link


December 08  :  All of You Ten Best 2008 Reclusive

Feb.-Nov. 08  :  Peace Hoban Guide Weetabix Lookbook Think o’ Soar Russ Binding Timlin Sladek

January 08  :  Lud-in-the-Mist


Autumn 07  :  Wreckage

September 07  :  Taxonomy

August 07  :  Ginsberg Stop Little, Big What Can Be Saved . . . ?

July 07  :  Shining Editions Thesiger

June 07  :  Malthus

April 07  :  Reference Subway

March 07  :  Clute Color Secret Library Bedside Table Klages Pebble

February 07  :  Weedwalk Mandrake Yardstick Semi-colon Unreliable Reading Titles Gnarl

January 07  :  Johnston Lovecraft Heartman Marais Walker Decision Origin


* — Note that these words are suggestions rather than literal directives : signposts, not maps.

— — — —

This creaking and constantly evolving website of the endless bookshelf : I expect that some entries will be brief, others will take the form of more elaborate essays, and eventually I will become adept at incorporating comments or interactivity. Right now you’ll have to send links to me, dear readers. [HW]

electronym : wessells at aol dot com

Copyright © 2007-2022 Henry Wessells and individual contributors.

Produced by Temporary Culture, P.O.B. 43072, Upper Montclair, NJ 07043 USA.